As a valued client of Seeds CPA, we are pleased to offer you the opportunity to have us assess your existing life and/or mortgage insurance policies. We will gladly provide you with a complimentary, risk-free, and obligation-free quote aimed at saving you money.
Dear Client, While it's common to recognize the importance of safeguarding your home or automobile, it's equally crucial to consider the financial security of your loved ones. Seeds Estate and Insurance can assist in ensuring that, in the event of your passing, your family receives a tax-free lump sum payment they can use as they see fit.
Now might be an ideal moment to explore life insurance. Keep in mind that the earlier you secure a policy, the more affordable your premiums may be. Explore additional incentives for choosing Seeds Estate and Insurance:

Price Guarantee: Your life insurance premiums remain fixed throughout your term.

Quick Approval, No Medical Exam: If you're 50 or under, you could gain approval for up to $1,000,000 without the need for a medical examination.

Comprehensive Insurance Analysis: Our team will ensure you receive the most suitable coverage at a competitive rate, tailored to meet all your specific requirements.
Email or call now for a quote!
james@seedscpa.ca | 613.532.9600