Over the years we have developed detailed knowledge and experience in specific industries. Our expertise in these areas allow us to provide valuable advice to our clients. We can compare your business to the industry, advise on specific methods for improving performance and provide solutions taylored to your needs.
There is a distinct advantage to having an advisor with deep experience in your industry!

Sports & Entertainment
The sports and entertainment fields are complex due to various sources of revenue, unique expenditures and multiple jurisdiction compliance requirements. We're equipped to assist music acts, athletes, actors, film production companies, stage productions and entertainers with finding accounting and tax solutions. We provide international tax planning for our Canadian clients working and touring in the U.S., as well as our U.S. clients working in Canada.

Operating a construction company today is especially challenging given the economic ups and downs over the past few years. We have years of experience in the industry represented by our general contractor, trade subcontractor and building material supplier clients. Our audit, review, and tax preparation services give us insight into your business that allows us to provide advice on how to maximize the profitability and long-term success of your construction company.
We are deeply committed to serving the construction industry and actively participate in many trade associations. We use information from sources such as CMHC, Ontario Construction Secretariat and Statistics Canada to benchmark our clients financial performance with their competitors and the Ontario average.

Restoration Contractors
The restoration industry goes through phases that are largly dictated by Insurance companies. Over the past few years, Insurance companies have had both record claim payouts and low performance on their investments . This has caused their focus to be on cost cutting which has meant lower than usual margins on jobs for restoration contractors. With this challenge and the unpredictability of weather and fires in general, your business could benefit from our professional advice.
We can help you setup and monitor a budget so you can control your overhead expenses and increase profits. Our profit improvement advice can focus on areas having a negative impact on your profit margins and cash flow. We can establish what type and level of financing you require and negotiate it directly with the bank on your behalf. Finally, our tax minimization strategies will ensure you are not paying more than your should.

Foundations, charitable organizations, associations, and other not-for-profit organizations all have unique operating issues that have to be addressed. We have broad experience with many different types of organizations including day cares, family health teams, community livings, condo corporations and other government funded entities. We are able to provide audits, budget monitoring and advisory services that address your specific needs.

Family Health Teams
We have extensive experience working with Family Health Teams and understand the unique reporting requirements with the Ministry of Health and Long-term Care.
New FHT's can benefit from our advice on how to setup accounting software that tracks expenditures to your budget, separates Diabetes program expenditures, prepares quarterly reports required by the MOHLTC and tracks the refundable portion of the HST. We can provide advice on EHT, WSIB and other payroll requirements. Our knowledge of sound board governance will be useful for setting up reporting, internal controls and best practices.
Existing FHT's will appreciate our depth of audit experience which allows us to be very efficient and cost effective. We begin our audit work before year end so that the Ministry deadlines can be easily met.